Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Create Your Own!>

We hope Gracie will be here next Halloween! This year, we baked apple cakes at MiMi's for friends (and one to take home to Brad, of course). Aunt Julie and Cole brought Max, Murphy, and Scarlett over to visit. So, we had a house full... Macy, Josie, and Rhett had to share their toys. Cole helped me mix the ingredients in the mixer for the very first time. Wow..that batter gets really, really thick! It took the both of us to hold the bowl :-)

I returned home from Atlanta on the 30th, and on Halloween, we gave candy to all of the trick-or-treaters in Carrollwood. We had a great turn out..lots of cuties, and all ages, too. Original Carrollwood is the perfect neighborhood for holiday festivities. Gracie will meet lots of new friends. We had a parade on Carrollwood Dr., and most of the neighborhood participated. I am so excited about the fun we will have together as a family. Gracie, you are SO loved already...

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