Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Our Love of Chinese Food

I really do cook, I promise. I know, no more excuses, but we worked on this presentation Brad needed to have completed for work, so we ordered from China Garden. Love that place. This time, it was my fortune that brought insight to "the wait". Of course, we know these things, but it's still pretty cool to crack the yummy cookie, and read your fortune. I think this one speaks for itself.

Now, the less obvious is the group of tiny little lucky numbers. Does the first number ring a bell? You may not remember, but the 27th is our log-in day!! 10-27-06!! Daddy had to see it to believe it ;-) Lets see, now how could I make the 15, 34,16,28, and 49 work for us...mmm.. I was 15 when I was let loose on the road in a real, moving, automobile (with supervision of course). I am currently 34 years of age. Brad was 16 when his parents gave him his favorite jeep. It wasn't until I was 28 that I started figuring out what "I" wanted for me, instead of what everyone else wanted for me. I'll possibly be 49 when our darling daughter starts to like boys. AARRGGHHHH. I can't even imagine it! Eeeks.

1 comment:

Kelly (Mike, Zane and Mia Jade) said...

I have a fortune our fridge that we got about the time of our DTC and it says "The future seems far away right now so focus on the present"! Talk about a lesson in living each day!

Kelly W (ladybug/red thread group!)
LID 9/12/06 - 2 months today!!
Journey to Mia Jade