Sunday, December 31, 2006

In 2006... another fun survey

In 2006 did you?...

..lose any friends? nope
..that count? if they're friends, then they all count
..make any new friends? yes - lots through the adoption community and a few clients ..who have also become friends
..make any new enemies? not that I know of?!
..develop any new hobbies? of course, because I can't sit still - blogging, sewing and soon to be quilting, digital scrapbooking - to name a few
..get older? no, at 34 I started going backwards anything you regret? well, I definitely made some mistakes, but I don't regret them, because they are a part of the journey
..go to any parties? a few that were football related
..accomplish anything? always
..make much money? ask Uncle Sam his opinion
..attend a wedding? uh oh, no - we attended so many over the last few years, which means that we are getting older, I guess
..attend a funeral? Yes
..get any new family members? yep - Gibson Grays and there were two new puppies added to our family (Rhett and Scarlett), and oh yeah, Poppy, mom's kitty, and Morgan, Julie's kitty
..gain any new perspectives? since my mid twenties, I think I gain a new perspective daily
..get into a verbal fight? Major disagreements, does that count?
..get into a physical fight? never, ever in my life
attend any sporting events? Soccer and football, oh, and a baseball game or two..
..get arrested? nada
..wreck your car? not this year - I was hit twice last year, two different cars, and if you consider my overall driving record, I should be accident free for atleast another 20 years
..get a new car? Hubby did
..make any big purchases? another in-vitro attempt, adoption fees, homestudy, down payment on hubby's car, furniture in foyer, furniture for nursery
..get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business? No..
..fired from a job? Nope
..get offered a job? Yep
..get a raise at a job? I work for myself, so I gave myself more time off this year to be in town with my hubby - still managed to do ok
..learn anything? if that's not a loaded question for someone who reads and is an explorer by nature
..dump your bf/gf? na
..get dumped by your bf/gf? na
..develop any new health problems? No, I am thankfully healthy outside of the baby stuff
..change as a person? Probably.
..get any new piercings? no
..get any new tattoos? no, we couldn't decide on anything new
..attend a concert? at church out of state? yup. CA, FL, GA any books? the question for me would be how many out of the country? in spirit, I have been to China with my baby girl
..spend much money? See above for purchases.. any music? mmm Steven Chapman
..try out any new looks?almost every time I get my hair done
..sign up for a myspace? yeah, but I didn't do anything with it
..sign up for a facebook? no...what is facebook? a food that you had never eaten before? probably
..go golfing?? if you count showing homes in golf communities..haha
..go bowling? I had a dream about it, does that count?
..start to resent something or someone that you used to like? I was dissapointed, but got over it

In 2006, how many....
..different places did you work? lots, since I sell real estate
..did you have health problems? couldn't get pregnant
..times did you go to the movies? not enough
..concerts did you attend? 2
..crushes did you have? 1, my husband, isn't that sweet
..times did you attend church? more than last year, which makes me very happy
..bad habits did you pick up? i am little addicted to the computer at times when i am bored
.."rough nights" did you have? don't have those anymore, the best it gets is when i stay up watching tv really late because i can't sleep

In 2006, what was?

..your favorite day of the year? there are so many, but the top two would be our LID for Kylie Grace on 10/27 and 12/31 when B accepted Jesus as his Savior
..your favorite band? that's a toughy - I like so many
..least favorite day of the year? when we found out the in-vitro didn't work for the second time
..your favorite movie? mmm.. Devil wears Prada, MI:III, Davinci Code, Facing the Giants
..your favorite song of the year? Christmas song by Third Day right now, but there are many more
..the biggest event you attended? our adoption agency reunion
..something that didn't change at all this year? where we live, wow, I can't beleive it
..favorite holiday? Christmas, as always

Misc. questions about 2006 A.D.

..were you in a hospital this year? with my step, grandfather in-law
..were you in an ambulance this year? no, thank goodness
..did you make any big confessions in 06? yep
..embarrassed about anything you did this year? there has to be something because I laugh at myself frequently..oh, I just thought of a good one that involves our pest control company (we live in FL now, so this is a normal occurence)
..what's the best thing to happen to you this year? the best thing was also the worst thing that happened to us this year
..did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying? not even close, unless we renew our vows
..didyou vote this year? oooh, no, that's embarrassing
..did you bring sexy back this year? hhmm.. I don't remember sexy leaving?
..was 2006 a great year, an average year or a bad year? more than great year
..what goals did you set for 2007? I still need to think about that one, I guess, but the only one that comes to mind is to bring our baby home this year

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