Monday, January 15, 2007

Chloe Grace

OMG - I just checked in with our friends who are still traveling in China, and they posted this gorgeous picture of their new daughter. I hope that Chloe and Gracie will be friends one day (remember Michelle and Neil, the proud parents, live in the Tampa Bay area, too), so I wanted to post her picture. Chloe is almost 13 months old. I cannot wait to see her in person when she gets home!!! Chloe is adjusting very well with her new Mommy and Daddy..ok, I am crying again.


Anonymous said...

What an amazing picture - what proud parents they must be!

Joanne said...

Hi, thanks for the shopping info - Target is awesome! Also, I've been following your friends journey - thanks for the link - they are such a great family! I'm having so much fun reading about them everyday!
Thanks for adding my blog to yours!

Kelly (Mike, Zane and Mia Jade) said...

I just happen to be looking at their blog today without knowing them! What a small world this adoption world is!