Thursday, October 05, 2006

Update on the Referral Timeline in China

The CCAA is the acronym for the Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs. In a nutshell, the CCAA is the place where our adoption requests/dossiers are reviewed and where we are matched with our daughter.

Here is the latest:

"The CCAA has finished the review of the adoption application documents registered with our office before December 31, 2005.

The CCAA has finished the placement of children for the families whose adoption application documents were registered with our office before August 9, 2005."

So, if the timeline were to remain the same, we would be 14 months out from LID (Log in Date). That would estimate our notice of referral in December '07, and traveling to China to pick her up and bring her home in Jan/Feb '08. We are hopeful that just as the timeline can extend, it can also shorten, so it just might be possible that she'll be sent to us in April '08. We would then bring her home at the start of the summer, here in the US. Which would also mean that Kylie Grace is either being born right around now, or she could even be a few months old, just waiting for God to do his magic!

If you ever want to visit the website to the CCAA, the link is on my home page. (Choose the English version at the top right on the home page, or you will definitely be lost)

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